How could voicemail insecurity affect your Facebook, Google or Yahoo! account?

It is nearly three years since the News of the World voicemail hacking scandal erupted (a case that’s in court right now). The blog and article I wrote at the time are still the most popular posts I’ve written. I was involved in drafting a set of guidelines for network operators which was published very soon after.

I was therefore quite surprised when a friend sent me the following link which explains how web application security researcher Shubham Shah managed to use voicemail vulnerabilities within network operators to exploit two-factor authentication (2FA) for some pretty major services (e.g. Google, Yahoo!, LinkedIn and so on). The way that 2FA is setup sometimes is that it will call your mobile number. Obviously an automated system isn’t usually setup to determine if you actually answered the call, so the code can go through to voicemail. And that’s how the attack goal is achieved. If the attacker can get into your voicemail account via a vulnerability in procedures or via CLI (Calling Line Identity) spoofing (i.e. faking your phone number), then they can get access to the rest of your life. Sounds simple and it is.

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